CRATER will be back! The second edition will take place on 8-10 October 2025 in Warsaw (Poland)

Katarzyna Wybrańska


PhD degree obtained in 2010 from Chemistry Department at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Nanotechnology of Polymers and Biomaterials Research Group led by Prof. Maria Nowakowska).

Post-doc at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC PAS) in Warsaw from 2011-2017; Post-doc at the University of Warsaw (Department of Chemistry, Biological and Chemical Research Center), 2020.

Scientist, innovator and entrepreneur holding PhD in physical chemistry, specialising in spectroscopy and nanotechnology, experienced in developing international projects and commercialization of innovative solutions. Owner of consulting company running commissioned research on carbon footprint, founder of the nanotechnology start-up based on her own invention (NanoAddVenture). Author of publications in recognised scientific journals and patents granted by regional and European Patent Office. Programme officer at the Foundation for Polish Science (2017 – 2020).